Dungeon Name: Caim Dungeon Appearence: The Dungeon should look like a large building of sorts. But be sure to mention where the entrance is here. Dungeon Location: Where in the world is Carmen Sa-...err, the dungeon located? Capture Difficulty: The more difficult a Dungeon is, the stronger its accompanying Djinn may be and the higher chances you have of a Shard Room being inside. To learn more about Shard Rooms, please look at the Shards of Solomon post.
There are three levels of difficulty to choose from. The difficulty is decided by how many trials your characters must overcome before reaching the Necropolis.
Average - 3 Trials, 3 Djinn points, 1:6 Shard Chance
Overwhelming - 9 Trials, 9 Djinn points, Always has a Shard Room
Shard Room: Staff will roll a random number generator. If you win the roll or if it's an Overwhelming difficulty dungeon, staff will fill in this section. Otherwise, delete it.
Djinn Name: Caim, The Djinn of Truth and Freedom Djinn Appearance: